How to use Samsung Smart Switch

Samsung«s Smart Switch is a unique tool for transferring data from your old device to your new Galaxy phone. It also offers a way to quickly and easily update your smartphone.

What is Samsung Smart Switch and how to use it

Do you know what stops most people from moving from their old smartphone to a new one? Actually, the answer is trivial. It«s the transfer of data — programs, contacts, photos and notes, everything that has been collected on the old device and is needed in everyday life.

The cloud storage that surrounds us allows us to reduce the number of problems in such a move, but not to reduce the pain shock to zero. There«s always something left over that you forgot to copy, something that ends up on your old device at just the right moment and not where you need it. People have come up with hundreds of ways to transfer data, but there aren«t many convenient and simple, and the best option for buyers of smartphones from Samsung is the program Smart Switch. It exists for both PCs (Mac/Windows) and smartphones.

Well, here«s how to use Samsung Smart Switch.

What is Smart Switch from Samsung

Often Smart Switch is undeservedly overlooked because for those who«re immersed in this topic, it«s something familiar and doesn«t require explanation, while for ordinary people — the magic wand, which solves many problems, and sometimes even influences the decision to buy the device. Sellers constantly convince people to try Android, when they explain that when you switch from the same iOS you will lose exactly nothing.

Contacts, music, photos, and even apps, will stay with you. It«s like a miracle in people«s eyes because they think that iOS and Android can«t be friends, and that«s why it«s so hard to switch from one system to another. This is a very persistent myth, and in fact, it«s not that difficult to switch from one system to another, it takes half an hour at most, and that«s if you have a lot of data, like music and photos.

There are two options for transferring files, respectively wired and wireless. Let«s see how it works.

How to use Samsung Smart Switch with cable

Samsung has made sure that you don«t have to make any unnecessary movements or feel the need to go to the store and buy separately the accessory that you need in order to transfer the data. The flagships of the day of the current and past years almost always come with an adapter from USB Type C (formerly MicroUSB) to regular USB.

If your smartphone doesn«t come with an adapter, then you«ll have to buy one separately or use a wireless data transfer method, which will be discussed a little later in more detail.

On one side you insert this adapter into the phone jack, but on the other side, you can connect your old smartphone, whether it«s an Android or iOS model. It doesn«t matter who the manufacturer of the smartphone is, the data is perfectly transferable from devices from Samsung or any other company.

All you need to do is install Smart Switch on your smartphone and follow the on-screen prompts. For example, if you«re connecting to an iPhone, you need the phone itself and a cable for it, no other gadgets or complications. Simple dialog menus will prompt you to select the sections you want to save. Including your SMS, contacts, photos, and more.

What are the main features of the Samsung Smart Switch

Most likely your old machine has less memory than the one you purchased. However, even if they«re the same, you can see how much space each partition will take up, you can control this issue.

For many, it remains a kind of miracle that with the iPhone you can get the music you bought in iTunes, it will appear on your new Android smartphone. And this is what you can call the maximum comfort when there«s no need to dance with a tambourine, and even a child can cope with the settings of Smart Switch, so simple and clear.

However, this program is the most revealing with Android smartphones, because it allows you to transfer not only your data but also the settings, such as the location of icons on the desktop, Wi-Fi settings, and other similar «little things» that shape our perception of the smartphone.

Your entire work environment is migrated, including the settings of the accessories you«ve been working with, such as the DeX station. It«s hard to overestimate this feature, because it means that in a matter of minutes you get all your data, as well as your familiar settings, on your new Samsung smartphone, and you can start working.

Before, when everything was done the old-fashioned way, there were always problems, and in the rush and turmoil, one thing and another were forgotten. Now, with the software monitoring everything, there«s virtually no chance of a slip-up.

Samsung has felt the pain point of many users for a long time, constantly developed Smart Switch, made this program as clear and accessible as possible. New smartphones offer to download this app and transfer their data. Retailers often try to sell it as an additional service to transfer data from your old phone, although with Smart Switch it isn«t difficult and anyone can do it.

For those who, for whatever reason, want to use a PC to transfer data, Smart Switch is available in both macOS and Windows versions. There isn«t much difference per se, and the meaning is exactly the same.

How to transfer data using Samsung Smart Switch without cable

It«s both simpler and more complicated. To transfer files from one phone to another wirelessly, you need to have the Snart Switch program installed on both phones. And this program is written only for Samsung phones working on Android above 4.3. Therefore with the wired method, you can download data from any Samsung smartphone to the Samsung smartphone, and with the wireless method, you can transfer data only between Samsung devices.

After you install Smart Switch on both cell phones, you select a wireless data transfer method in the program. Be sure to turn on the Wi-Fi on the second phone.

Then, select the files you want to transfer and start the process. Tap on the «Transfer» button.

Next, select «Copy».

After a short wait, all your data will be transferred to the new phone.

Many people often have to move from one smartphone to another as part of their work, and it«s always necessary to minimize the loss of time because it can be spent on really important things. And Smart Switch comes to the rescue, because it restores the working environment, gives the opportunity to get a familiar smartphone in minutes, where everything is already arranged in a way that is convenient for the user.

Of the individual pluses, there«s another important thing to note about Android. Often on an older device, there«s a memory card where your data is stored. You can simply move that card to the new smartphone, but there are times when you increase the amount of memory because the cards have become as available as possible.

And here Smart Switch also comes to the rescue, everything is as transparent and clear as possible. Another thing is that this transfer will take a little longer, especially if you have gigabytes of photos and videos.

What is Samsung Cloud

For everyone who uses smartphones from Samsung, a good solution would be to turn on Samsung Cloud to save notes there, settings, and other important information, including photos, although for the latter this service isn«t so important.

If you don«t have one smartphone, but several, then using a proprietary cloud allows you to copy data and have the most current versions on all your devices, there are no restrictions.

There are dozens of solutions for data synchronization, there are proprietary developments from Google, but it«s always nice to get a bundled smartphone solution from a manufacturer that completely closes this issue. The advantage of Smart Switch isn«t only that it comes in a bundle, but also that it simply works as it should, there are no pitfalls.

So if you have to move to a Samsung smartphone, you don«t have to fear it. The manufacturer has already made sure that from the first minutes you will have a pleasant impression of what you get and how everything will work.

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