How to turn off 5G on Samsung Galaxy S21

You can«t even imagine that Samsung has introduced the first 5G phone quite a long time ago. It was the Galaxy S10 5G. Nowadays, 5G connectivity is set in many Samsung phoned, from the Galaxy S21 range to the Galaxy Z Fold 3, right down to the less-costly A71 5G and A51 5G models.

Despite the fact the 5G connection is extending, you can still find some places where you can join only a 4G connection. It means, that 5G is still spotty. Connectivity is dependent not only on the 5G carrier but the location also. Verizon,  T-Mobile, and AT&T all provide 5G network coverage in the U.S., but the connection still works well only around major cities and metro areas. Still, preferring a device that sustains the next-generation network is a perfect way to future-proof your new device.

You can know whether you need 5G or not only depending on the usage of your device. Surely, if you need a connection for gaming or downloading films or TV shows, it would be better to go for a faster speed one, but if you still are in the place without 5G connectivity, or right on the edge, you may keep it switched off for that time. On Samsung phones provide a simple way to adjust your options.

How to switch off 5G on a Samsung phone

If you want to turn off 5G on a Samsung phone, you should follow the steps which would be mentioned in the section below:

  • First of all, you should head to Settings.
  • After that, you should go to Connections.
  • Then, you should click on Mobile Networks.
  • After that, you should press on Network Mode.
  • To complete the process, you should choose LTE/3G/2G (Auto),  LTE/CDMA, or one of the other 4G/LTE options to avoid using 5G on your phone. You can return the settings back in a simple way whenever you want to.

In some cases, there may be not a lot of options available under Network Mode. It depends on your carrier and whether your phone is unlocked or purchased from a carrier, you may find there are fewer options available under Network Mode. There may be only Manual and Automatic available. There also may be no option to customize the settings at all. (Verizon«s particularly strict about this.) If this is the case and your carrier may be obstructing your capacity to switch off 5G, unfortunately, you won«t be able to solve this issue.

What is the reason to switch 5G off

Surely, if you live in big cities or in urban areas, it would be a good idea to have the 5G Auto setting switched on. In this case, you will be able to satisfy your need with a faster speed. In case you don«t need a faster speed, or you need to have a good battery life, it would be better to leave the idea of having 5G.

It is an important point that if you disable the 5G, you will be able to save a substantial amount of battery. Actually, the device isn«t looking for a 5G connection everywhere, it just knows when it is available to join it. If you have joined a 4G network and the tower also supports 5G, the signal of your phone will be changed from 4G to 5G. On some networks, the same antenna may be used for both 4G and 5G, and on other networks, you won«t even be switched over to the faster connectivity until you start using data. Don«t think that just because you«re in a 4G-only area your phone will constantly »search» for 5G.

You don«t need to be worried that 5G is affecting your battery life unless you«re going through sections where 5G is sometimes available. This may impact your battery life. The default 5G settings are prepared to work for most people. It is a good thing that if you have switched them off, you can simply turn them on again.

You should always check with your carrier to make sure that 5G is supported by your plan or whether it is required to customize your plan or possibly even change your SIM card to adapt the next-generation technology.

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