В 2016 году Bookeen будет использовать солнечную энергию


Компании Bookeen и Sunpartner Technologies на выставке Mobile World Congress 2015 заключили соглашение по внедрению технологии использования солнечного света для еще большего увеличения времени автономной работы устройств CyBook.

Первые устройства могут появиться уже в следующем году.

Show Press Release (372 More Words) Sunpartner Technologies and Bookeen Combine Solar Energy and E-Readers Press release: Paris, Barcelona, March 2, 2015.

At Mobile World Congress 2015, Sunpartner Technologies and Bookeen, a pioneering e-reader maker, will announce the signing of a joint development agreement to marry Wysips® technology to Bookeen e-readers. Their new solar e-reader solution offers consumers unprecedented battery life and hours of uninterrupted reading.

Battery life is a key challenge in the global market for e-readers (10 million sold in 2014). Thanks to Sunpartner Technologies and Bookeen, using the invisible photovoltaic component Wysips®, this problem is about to be a thing of the past.

Longer Autonomy, Less Money E-readers consume less power than other personal electronic devices. Their e-ink technology uses significantly less energy than other displays (LCD and OLED) because they only draw on the battery to load the page.

With Wysips® components, co-developed by Bookeen and Sunpartner Technologies, the e-readers solution can now recharge their batteries from light energy, whether natural or artificial. Scheduled to reach the market in 2016, this solar-powered product will be the champion of e-reading on the go.

A Shining Partnership For Ludovic Deblois, CEO of Sunpartner Technologies, «This new partnership with a French Tech pioneer like Bookeen in the e-reader market demonstrates the practical added value of Wysips® for users of mobile and connected devices.»

As for Michael Dahan, co-founder and CEO of Bookeen, «Our partnership with Sunpartner Technologies combines the creativity of two French companies that deliver real innovation to our customers.»

About Sunpartner Technologies Sunpartner Technologies is a high-tech engineering company specializing in Solar NETs (New Energy Technologies). Since 2008, they«ve been developing the transparent PV component Wysips® that seamlessly integrates into any surface, transforming it into a solar panel. Based in Aix-en-Provence, France and growing worldwide, the company regularly receives awards both for its innovation and from the business community, such as the Nobel Sustainability® Clean Tech Company award in 2013 and Technology Pioneer 2014 from the World Economic Forum.


About Bookeen Based in Paris, France, Bookeen is the European leader in e-reading solutions. The incomparable quality of its solutions and e-readers have enabled them to develop partnerships with both large chains and independent bookstores, as well as several leading large-scale retailers such as the Brazilian Saraiva group and the Carrefour group for example.

For more information, please visit www.bookeen.com

Источник: www.bookeen.com

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